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What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp Micropigmentation Results

Who is this for?

It’s suitable for those who are experiencing any forms of hair loss such as hair thinning, receding, or balding or those who need to add density to their scalp affected by sickness or injuries. This treatment is ideal for both men and women.
SMP is best for all types and stages of hair-loss, on all colors and skin types with treatment undertaken at any age.
The follicle recreation process generally occurs over 4-5 sessions, each lasting approximately 3 – 6 hours – allowing for a gradual buildup of hair density and natural rejuvenation of hairline to the client’s desired look. SMP is flexible too, allowing clients to adapt and freshen their look at any time in the future.

Why SMP versus Other Hair loss options

Finasteride lowers down (DHT) levels, which is assumed to reduce hair loss. However, you might experience side effects of the medicine such as a decrease in libido and a whole lot of stuff, but there’s a chance it might stop hair loss.

Using Minoxidil as an alternative hair loss treatment has worked for most people. The medicine is applied topically on the head twice a day and is used in combination with pills. However, you can’t ignore the side-effects that comes with it such as dizziness, headache, chest pain and many other.

Many celebrities have opted for hair transplantation. Not all transplants give doll-like hair. Although we aren’t against this option of treating hair loss, it may cost you a fortune, and the cost continues to soar when the patient comes back for an appointment to increase the thickness of the hair.
The average recipient of a follicle transplant receives several thousand grafts. Strips of hair removed from bushier parts of the head cost them several thousand dollars.
In terms of cost, Hair transplant isn’t a suitable and guaranteed option.

Okay, okay! They don’t look like that anymore (picture of a funny looking toupee) need to say more?

You heard it right! Scalp Micropigmentation is an innovative technique that offers excellent value and long-term solution as compared to the other treatments available. It gives you a natural and fuller look without having to go for surgery. Thousands of clients have chosen Scalp micropigmentation because it’s a low-maintenance procedure that suitable for all hair types. What’s amazing about this procedure is it has absolutely no side-effects. This is why you should SMP as your preferred hair loss treatment

A Complete pain relief method in
Scalp Micropigmentation

Frequently Asked Questions

A specialized application of tattoo that when done correctly is undetectable. SMP is an art that mimics the appearance of hair follicles wherever there is hair loss. We are honored that all of our clients have put us to the test and unless they decide to tell someone, no one can tell they’ve had this done. 

Hair loss is on the rise. We encounter more and more men and women experiencing hair loss at such young ages. SMP offers a permanent, natural, realistic, as well as a cost-effective option to hide hair loss and restore confidence.

No, it varies depending on the person. We do full density jobs on longer hair meaning we give the appearance of more hair and darkening the area where the hair loss is visible. If someone wants to recreate the hairline the hair will have to be shorter. These situations best case scenario is to send clear photos to 844-775-4247 to get the full scope on it.

Absolutely, the pigment we use is based on a shade of grey which if any hair is shaved down would be. This is also where expertise comes out and knowing the right mixture for each individual client, as well as the proper blending to make sure it looks natural and ages with you as you do. 

It takes 3-5 sessions a week apart between the first two sessions and two weeks after the second for the last session. 

Each client is different depending on how much hair loss has occurred. Generally, 3-4 hours per session could be longer though. We do not rush this process.

With the right aftercare and no alterations to the hairline (by choice), it can last up to 6-15+ years.

Yes, we have many clients that have had a transplant and come to cover their scars or cover any hair loss they may have. 

Many of our clients have never had a tattoo and are not fans of needles (who is) Our clients have rated the pain a 3/4 out of 10. It is very tolerable and taking small steps we suggest before each session goes a long way.

This is pretty customized depending on the amount of hair loss. On average though it’s $1,500-4,500.

Yes, we do offer financing as well as accept credit cards, bitcoin, and apple pay.

We have many clients that come from all parts of the world and with planning can accommodate.

una aplicación especializada de tatuaje que cuando se realiza correctamente es indetectable. El SMP es un arte que imita la aparición de folículos pilosos en cualquier lugar donde haya pérdida de cabello. Nos sentimos honrados de que todos nuestros clientes nos hayan puesto a prueba y, a menos que decidan decírselo a alguien, nadie puede decir que se lo han hecho.

La pérdida de cabello está en aumento. Nos encontramos con más y más hombres y mujeres que experimentan pérdida de cabello en edades tan jóvenes. SMP ofrece una opción permanente, natural, realista y rentable para ocultar la pérdida de cabello y recuperar la confianza.

No, varía dependiendo de la persona. Hacemos trabajos de densidad completa en cabello más largo, lo que significa que damos la apariencia de más cabello y oscurecemos el área donde se ve la pérdida de cabello. Si alguien quiere recrear la línea del cabello, el cabello tendrá que ser más corto. El mejor escenario de estas situaciones es enviar fotos claras al 844-775-4247 para obtener el alcance completo.

Absolutamente, el pigmento que utilizamos se basa en un tono de gris que, si se afeita el cabello, quedaría. Aquí también es donde se obtiene la experiencia y el conocimiento de la combinación adecuada para cada cliente individual, así como la combinación adecuada para asegurarse de que se vea natural y envejezca con usted a medida que lo hace.

Se necesitan 3-5 sesiones a la semana entre las dos primeras sesiones y dos semanas después de la segunda para la última sesión.

Cada cliente es diferente dependiendo de la cantidad de pérdida de cabello que haya ocurrido. Sin embargo, generalmente 3-4 horas por sesión podrían ser más largas. No apresuramos este proceso.

Con el cuidado posterior adecuado y sin alteraciones en la línea del cabello (por elección) puede durar hasta 6-15 años.

Sí, tenemos muchos clientes que han recibido un trasplante y vienen a cubrir sus cicatrices o cubrir cualquier pérdida de cabello que puedan tener.

Muchos de nuestros clientes nunca han tenido un tatuaje y no son fanáticos de las agujas (quién es). Nuestros clientes han calificado el dolor en 3/4 de 10. Es muy tolerable y damos pequeños pasos que sugerimos antes de que cada sesión avance mucho.

Esto es bastante personalizado dependiendo de la cantidad de pérdida de cabello. En promedio a pesar de que es de $ 1,500-4,500.

Tenemos muchos clientes que vienen de todas partes del mundo y con capacidad de planificación podemos acomodar.

Let’s talk about how Scalp Art can help improve your look